Tag Archives: success

Success; Helps and Hindrances

My life, like everything else in the world, is a mix of good and bad. The Chinese philosophy of ying and yang is prominent in everything around us. Even as I try to ensure success in my academic  life, there are things that will hinder my progress.

Three things I do to ensure success in my life:

1. The biggest help I have for my future is taking dual-enrolment courses at Miami Dade College. By getting a head start now, my future will have many more possibilities open for me. At my current rate, I plan on completing my AA at the same time as completing high school. This will allow me to be three years faster in my education than my fellow classmates.

2. Another good thing I am doing to ensure success in my life is exploring multiple possibilities. I take part in dozens of activities in order to broaden my horizon. Dabbling in multiple fields such as, cooking, teaching, english, psychology, music and many more. This will give me a chance to experiment which field I enjoy working in the most.

3. Additionally, I am already starting to save money for my college tuition. I know that any good college costs a lot of money, so even though I have a couple more years to go before I have to really decide where my life will take me, I know I want to go to college and university. I have started writing and applying for several scholarships, and I plan to get a job this summer, all to aid in my college goals.

Even with all the good I am trying to do to keep success in my life, there are things I am inadvertently doing that are hindering my forward journey.

1. My biggest hindrance I find in my academic success is my inability to chose a major, let alone a career path. I have always been slightly indecisive, but not having a major will greatly impure my long term goals. I don’t even know what area I would like to strive for. I will be spending a lot of time this year trying to plan out my future, and I hope I will discover at least which direction I need to head in.

2. Another downfall I find in myself is my perfectionism and over-achiever nature. Everything I do must be done to the full 100%, and while this may seem like an asset, I have noticed that I put too much time and effort in the small things. Since I was a little girl, my classmates would complete their art projects quicker than the allotted hour of class. However, I would spend hours on the same art project, working my teacher overtime while trying to get my piece just right. I am trying now to focus my time on what needs the most work, instead of working too hard on the little things in life.

3. My third major hindrance in my life is my procrastination. All too often I find my self franticly finishing up a project that is due the next morning, or even worse the next hour. I tend to spend far too much time in pleasure activities versus academical ones. Pinterest is just too captivating to let me go and work on my calculous homework. I blame the Internet. I do realize this problem of mine, and no mater how simple it is to blame technology, I do understand I am the only one at fault. I will try extra hard this year to put work before play. Especially working on the most recently due items over the assignments due next month.