Tag Archives: Presentations

A Great Semester

As this semester of ENC1102 draws to a close, I take the time to reflect about all the things I have learned. Three things stick out to me above the rest, I have learned how to write blog posts, create presentations, and properly format MLA style papers.                                             Before this class, it never even crossed my mind to have a blog. However, this class has opened my mind to the ease and reward that a blog can be written. I enjoy reading many blogs, and now I can benefit others with this new skill.                                                                    Previous to this semester I have only created one presentation when I was 12. I used power point and read only what I had written on the slides. Last week, I created a Prezi presentation about electronic music, and it is clear to see how far I’ve gone. With tips and tricks from my professor, classmates, family, and friends, I was able to improve drastically from my last attempt. The simplicity of using Prezi paired with its superb outcome, makes creating presentations a much more cheerful task.                                                                                          In my previous college level English class, I was required to use MLA formatting; however, my professor barely explained the process. Now, I feel confident to write MLA style papers, presentations, and works cited pages. I no longer feel overwhelmed with the thought of having to write in a specific format, worried that I would get it wrong. I now see that MLA is not too hard after all, and I feel at ease writing in this style.                                                                    This semester has definitely helped me in achieving writing skills that will help me in my academic future. I believe that I can now tackle almost any writing assignment life will through at me. My family and I can greatly see the improvement in my writing skills in just the past few months, and I can only attribute this progress to a great semester in ENC1102.